- worse
- 1. n худшее
to go from bad to worse — становиться всё хуже и хуже
to have the worse — потерпеть поражение
to put to the worse — нанести поражение
a change for the worse — перемена к худшему
worse cannot happen — ничего худшего не может случиться
worse case — худший случай
worse off — в худшем состоянии
worse case conditions — худшие условия
turn for the worse — перемена к худшему
worse things happen — бывает и хуже; случается и худшее
2. a худший; хужеto make matters worse … — и в довершение всего …
even worse — даже хуже
all the worse — тем хуже
bad to worse — хуже и хуже
so much the worse — тем хуже
from bad to worse — все хуже и хуже
3. a от 2 в худшем состоянииthe patient is worse today — больному сегодня хуже
4. adv от I5. adv хужеyou are playing worse than you did last week — вы играете хуже, чем на прошлой неделе
6. adv сильнее, большеit is raining worse than ever — дождь всё усиливается
I hate him worse than before — я его ещё сильнее ненавижу
Синонимический ряд:1. more amiss (adj.) more amiss; more deficient; more dissatisfactory; more unsatisfactory; more up; poorer2. more decayed (adj.) more decayed; more decomposed; more putrid; more rotten; more spoiled; rottener3. more disagreeable (adj.) more disagreeable; more displeasing; more offensive; more unpleasant; sourer; unhappier; unpleasanter4. more downcast (adj.) bluer; droopier; duller; lower; more chapfallen; more crestfallen; more dejected; more depressed; more disconsolate; more dispirited; more doleful; more down; more downcast; more downhearted; more down-in-the-mouth; more downthrown; more heartsick; more heartsore; more hipped; more low-spirited; more mopey; more soul-sick; more spiritless; more sunk; more woebegone; sicker5. more harmful (adj.) eviler; more damaging; more deleterious; more detrimental; more harmful; more hurtful; more inauspicious; more injurious; more nocent; more nocuous; more prejudicial; more prejudicious; more unfavorable; more unfavourable; worse6. more hostile (adj.) more hostile; more inimicable; more inimical; unfriendlier7. more null (adj.) more invalid; more null; more void8. more wrong (adj.) eviler or eviller; more immoral; more iniquitous; more nefarious; more reprobate; more sinful; more vicious; more wicked; more wrong; wickeder9. naughtier (adj.) more ill-behaved; more misbehaving; more mischievous; more paw; naughtier10. ruder (adj.) more discourteous; more disgracious; more disrespectful; more ill-bred; more ill-mannered; more impertinent; more impolite; more incivil; more incondite; more inurbane; more mannerless; more uncalled-for; more uncivil; more uncourteous; more uncouth; more ungracious; more unhandsome; more unmannered; more unmannerly; more unpolished; ruder11. tougher (adj.) rougher; tougher12. more inauspiciously (other) more adversely; more badly; more inauspiciously; more negatively; more unfavourably; more unfortunately; more unluckily; worse13. poor (other) below par; down; inferior; lowly; poor; sad; sick
English-Russian base dictionary . 2014.